Friday, July 3, 2009

Updated Schedule


What: 4 Person Golf Scramble - Each Player hits a shot, select the best shot, and all 4 players play from selected shot.  Team must use 2 drives from each player.  Contest Winners will be announced at dinner Saturday Evening.   Contests include: 1st Place team, long drive, closest to the pin, and last place team!
Where Highland Golf Course.
When: Arrive by 10:15.  The First group goes off at 10:37 with teams going out every 7-8 minutes.  

What: Mixer 
Where: Green T 
4010 Yellowstone
When: 7pm
Dress:'s the Green T

What: Tour of school.  Spouses and children welcome
When: TBD - it will be before noon.  Please check back for time.

What: Picnic
When: 12pm 
Where:   OK Ward Park
1400 W. Quinn Rd.
Cost: $10 adults - $5 children

What: Evening Event 
Where: Juniper Hills Country Club
6600 Bannock Highway
When: Cocktails 6pm
Heavy hors d' oeuvres  7pm
Cost: $25 per person
Dress: Business casual